When Things Have To Get Worse So They Can Get Better
Original artwork by Jacquelyn Kruzic My last yoga class was a total disaster. After lots of steady improvement, I felt I was back at...

During the Olympic Games, the world's best athletes blow our minds with exceptional feats of skill and strength. This summer's games in...

The Badass Soprano: An Origin Story
Webster defines badass as: often vulgar : ready to cause or get into trouble : mean often vulgar : of formidable strength or skill...

How to Find the Perfect Audition Outfit
Ladies, the pressure to find the perfect audition outfit is real. I doubt I was the first singer to be passed over because someone didn't...

The Badass Soprano Blog: First Post
Hello, and welcome to the Badass Soprano Blog! The internets say I should make my first blog entry about who I am and why I'm blogging,...